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Hypothesis is that Washington registered zero FAR Part 121 fatal accidents between January, 2010, and January 1, 2020, most likely due to improve safety initiatives. Is there a correlation with other

Hypothesis is that Washington registered zero FAR Part 121 fatal accidents between January, 2010, and January 1, 2020, most likely due to improve safety initiatives. Is there a correlation with other states?

Variables; FAR Part 121 fatal accidents, aircraft damages, Period between January, 2010, and January 1, 2020 , Washington State.

Attached is the FAA Accident and Incident Data System (AIDS) database Excel table with zero fatal accidents, zero injuries and incidents with minor or no damage on the aircraft.

Comments from colleagues and me worth examining.

I think your topic is very interesting. The only question I had is if the correlation to the other states is going to be part of your hypothesis? It seems like a lot of data to decipher using all 50 states even though I think it would be interesting to know. Your hypothesis about Washington state not having any fatal accidents for a ten year period is very intriguing and I am interested to know what is the cause. It is great that Part 121 aircraft have been fatal accident free for an extended period of time.

I was equally puzzled about the zero fatal accidents, but since the regulator is the same i.e the FAA, I intended to investigate any variations amongst states. Since archiving safety is a continuous process I am inquisitive to find out which measures are in place to attain this ultimate safety goal and if there are any variations what are they.

Being from Washington State myself, I’m intrigued by your state of choice and am also curious as to which safety initiatives you are referencing; are they state specific or federal? I think it would be tough to pinpoint one specific initiative that made a difference unless you were comparing all states to which measures were implemented and their correlation to fatal accidents. Though partially biased, I’m sure you’ll be able to find favorable conclusions to whatever hypotheses you have regarding Washington State.

(Referring to the above submission)You previously submitted a graduate level research question or hypothesis, variables to be evaluated, and a dataset using data obtained from ASIAS, BTS, NTSB, or other aviation safety database. Having analyzed the data in this dataset, you must now submit your Safety Research Case Study to include a problem statement, supporting data, findings, discussion of findings, recommendations, and conclusions. Your Safety Research Case Study should be approximately 6-8 pages of text with references and citations in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

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