Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on alice walker Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on alice walker Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Walker is known for works like once: poems, “Goodnight, Willie Lee, I’ll See You in the Morning”. “You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down”, and The Color Purple. Although these works are all different forms such as short stories, novels, and poems, they all have one thing in common: her personal experiences or someone close to her.

Walkers’ style of writing reflects events that happened in her own personal life, as well as in the lives of family members. These experiences are shown in works such as The Color Purple and The Way Forward Is With A Broken Heart.

Walker reflects her own personal events throughout her work in many ways. for instance her first book of poetry, Once. She put these poems together acknowledging the hurt of early pregnancy and abortion, which she considered a social experience shared by others that transcended her individual experience (Winchell 1). This collection of poems started her in the writing business. She wrote these poems during a short, frantic week following a harrowing abortion while at Sarah Lawrence (Davis 2).

Another poem that shows her family’s experiences in her work is in Revolutionary Petunias. ” These poems are about those few embattled souls who remain painfully committed to beauty and to love even while facing the firing squad” (Byerman 4). She was referring to members of her own family when she said ” embattled souls.” These members included her sister, her uncles and her grandmother,

This example shows how she uses experiences from her family members. In the poem above, Walker was writing about the state her grandfather was in while he was attending the funeral of his deceased wife Rachel.

One of her latest works “The Way Forward” with a “Broken Heart” is one of the best examples of her own personal experiences being reflected in her writing. Walton notes that this collection of stories begins as a love letter to her former husband, with whom she raised a daughter, but divorced after ten years together.

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