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Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Purnells Bistro Monday Madness.

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Purnells Bistro Monday Madness. Birmingham, UK – May 22, 2014 – Purnell’s Bistro which is among the exquisite bistro restaurant and cocktail bar has recently introduced the Purnell’s Bistro Monday Madness proposition. This deal is an addition to the special variety of offers available for the restaurant clients. Monday Madness can be availed in between May to December 2014 and anyone who wishes to get benefited from this option can either visit the venue located in Birmingham’s Square Mile or even book a table online.

Only on Mondays, the customers can take advantage of this offering and it gives a 50% discount on all the orders placed by them. There is an attractive menu list for the food lovers who want to have a fine dining experience and want to enjoy the finest quality food and drinks. The main idea behind the complete amenity is to give a unique option to the target audience for enjoying the home-made meals at a reasonable price.

In order to provide excellent customer service, the bistro offers both online and on phone booking options to them so that they don’t have to get worried about finding a table for their dine-in. Moreover, there is a limit of ten covers per table so this point has to be considered before making a decision to visiting the facility.

Monday Madness offer is only for Mondays so that people are looking forward to something exciting at the start of the week. Additionally, most of the diners have given positive response about the promotion and have found it to be a cost-saving and value for money deal as they can have a pleasurable meal within their budget. One of the customers even showed appreciation by posting a comment “Monday Madness is definitely the best deal for the food lover who wants to enjoy an exotic course of a meal at a reasonable price. Moreover, it is worth spending money in such places which have an array of choices for the customers from low calorie to complete courses.

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