Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Failure of Real-Time Online Facility. These major changes and other significant measures require a complete devotion and perfect dedication from the management,

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Failure of Real-Time Online Facility. These major changes and other significant measures require a complete devotion and perfect dedication from the management, administrative department and particularly the Information Technology department to stabilize the performance of our online school and take our pride from good to best in the online school (Linda 1995).

Everybody was appreciating and praising the performance of our online school before the advancement of technology introduced by our one of the closest competitor in the online school sector. Ever since this improvement has been presented by the competing firm, a steep decline has been observed in the size and magnitude of the market share of our online school. Profits have stuck somewhere, lowering from 8% to 5.5%. Faculty turnover ratio has increased substantially from 4% per annum to somewhat 16% annum. Increased customer complaints received more than 6% from the previous period. Things are pointing a major problem in our processes and demanding a significant solution to overcome that problem. What actually is that problem? How is it showing its effects and implications on the management and other departments of the business? What are the possible remedies to rescue? What would be the consequences of this operation clean sweep? Who is going to gain and who is going to lose? These all critical questions will be probed in the following discussion.

Since the inception, the main focus of our online school has remained on providing the education to our students in a virtually “real-time” online environment. Students always liked and valued this methodology of teaching as it provided them the core benefits that they always needed. This methodology provided the students with an opportunity to interact with their tutors and mentors live on our online web portal, group forum and other live chat and discussion platforms. This helped the students in tackling with their study curriculum related issues with their tutors and share their problems in an online streaming session conducted via our live web portal.

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