Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Economic, Cultural, Social and Political Impact of Economic Activities. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Economic, Cultural, Social and Political Impact of Economic Activities. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. For instance, although nation-states have such as China and Indonesia have wholeheartedly embraced the economic liberalization that is generally considered to be the central feature of the process of globalization that does not the economic, cultural, social, and political impact of TNCs’ economic activities has been endorsed. The governments of these countries have been free to block and restrict the political and cultural elements of TNCs activities that they disprove of, without other countries or non-governmental organizations forcing them to do anything (DICKEN, 2003).

One frequent misconception about the economic, cultural, social, and political impact of TNCs’ economic activities is that it is also a process that treats every nation-state in the same way, so it is misleading, to argue that the combined effect of TNCs will weaken the sovereignty of every country. It is probably over-optimistic to believe that the economic, cultural, social, and political impact of TNCs’ economic activities will ensure that virtually every country will become at some point a capitalist liberal democracy that happens to be part of an increasingly interconnected global economy (JONES, 2005).

Some argue that the global economy is heavily linked to the economic, cultural, social, and political impact of TNCs’ economic activities, which makes the governments of nation-states dependent upon the whims of such companies to drive forward economic growth and prosperity.

The economic, cultural, social as well as the political impact of TNCs’ economic activities cannot be equal as not all of the world’s nation-states have equal amounts of power, influence, and status. The global system is asymmetric, and therefore as a consequence, the economic, cultural, social, and political impact of TNCs’ economic activities is also asymmetric in the way it operates and affects countries. The economic, cultural, social, and political impact of TNCs’ economic activities is not a process that has inevitable outcomes, and its effects do not have to be harmful.

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