Article Writing Homework Help

Write 10 pages with APA style on The Sales Plan for Ontela PicDeck. Consumers also reflected increased affinity of sending photos through the use of electronic mails and also storing photos on the in

Write 10 pages with APA style on The Sales Plan for Ontela PicDeck. Consumers also reflected increased affinity of sending photos through the use of electronic mails and also storing photos on the in the effective desktop which is enabled through the use of the PicDeck service.

The major competitors for Ontela PicDeck can be evaluated to be like Eye-Fi and Transcend that offer technology solutions relating to data transfer in a wireless medium and also in the storage of the same in memory cards. It is observed that wireless technology companies like Eye-Fi and Transcend enable the collection of a large number of photos and thereby contribute in transferring the same to other devices based on the wireless medium and also through the use of the cloud interface. Eye-Fi and Transcend have viewed as the significant players in the wireless market ineffective transfers of a large number of photos from cameras to Smartphones and also from mobile devices to computers. It is observed that where Transcend tends to generate a 32 GB Wi-Fi card for around $72.45. Eye-Fi tends to generate a 16 GB Wi-Fi card for around $89.74. In terms of price and storage features, Transcend tends to be the most appealing product let alone the performance and technology competence of Eye-Fi. Technology offered by such companies contributes in effectively sharing the contents between the mobile phones and laptops and personal computers such that the same can be further shared through the use of electronic mails and social platforms like Facebook (Perlman 2013).&nbsp.

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