Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Limited Collection Brand in Marks & Spencer. Your paper should be a minimum of 3250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Limited Collection Brand in Marks & Spencer. Your paper should be a minimum of 3250 words in length. This research will begin with the statement that Marks and Spencer Group (M&S) is a retailer of clothing, foods and Homeware. It operates through owned stores and franchise stores. The company has two reportable geographic segments: UK and international. M&S operates through a chain of 622 stores across UK and 278 international outlets throughout 34 countries worldwide The company’s operations can be categorized under two divisions: food and general merchandise including clothing and home ware. The food division focuses on fresh, natural, healthy food. special celebration products. authentic ready meals and exceptional everyday food such as Oakham’ chicken and Aberdeen Angus steaks. It chain of 205 franchised Simply Food’ stores operates in railway stations, Heathrow Airport and motor service areas. These stores offers its customers an opportunity to shops between visits to the company’s main stores. The clothing division product portfolio includes women’s wear, men’s wear, lingerie children’s wear and footwear. Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Turkey offices provides the raw materials to the division. This division offers some prominent brands which includes: Autograph, Limited Collection, Cellozione, Blue Harbour, Girls Boutique, Per Una and Ceriso. The home division product and services caters homeware and home accessories. kitchen and tableware. lighting. and furniture products. The division also offers catalogue and online services.

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