Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. end of geography Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. end of geography Thank you in advance for the help! The disappearance of national barriers that divide the world and the increasing interconnectedness open a wide range of opportunities for the information exchange. In all these processes the language plays one of the most important roles. In this paper, we consider borrowings from English language in the Japanese and also we critically evaluate its impact on society of Japan. In the mosern world the international language is English and in many countries it is considered to be (officially or not) the second language. This phenomenon makes it possible to say that the nations unite in a single society, speaking the same language. Does this mean that we are witnessing “the end of geography”?

The aim of this paper is to critically evaluate the proposition that globalization is leading to the end of geography using the example of Japanese language and the English borrowings in it. During the work over this paper we analyze and evaluate that the phenomenon of the ‘end of geography’ is not so vivid and the boundaries between countries are slightly blurred but not completely washed away, so geography remains vital to its study.

Ulrich Beck, the research worker who studies globalization, argues that: “Globalization affects mainly the social micro-level, structured on the genesis of certain forms of cultural, socio-cultural systems and the genesis of ethnic and cultural systems.” (Beck, 1999) The most successful model developed in relation to globalization, belongs to Japan. Throughout most of its history, Japan has shaped their culture on the basis of borrowing religious doctrines of Buddhism, Confucian ethical and religious system, arts and crafts from China, however, since the Meiji Restoration, the country has become, so to say, westernized very rapidly.

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