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Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Environmental Analysis HTC. Hence a strategic plan has been suggested in this study which could address this particular issue concerning the organiza

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Environmental Analysis HTC. Hence a strategic plan has been suggested in this study which could address this particular issue concerning the organization. The strategic implementation plan has also been recommended which can help HTC revive its position in the market and lead to increased revenue generation and profitability in the long run.

This study entails formulating a strategic plan for HTC Corporation. The company engages itself in the business of designing, manufacturing and marketing Smartphone that is based on the Android operating system developed by Google and Windows operating system developed by Microsoft (“Company Profiles for HTC Corp (2498)”). The strategic plan and its implementation process have been discussed after analyzing the internal and external environmental factors affecting the organization.

Environmental analysis of HTC Corp. refers to the various internal and external factors having an impact on the business activities carried out by the company. SWOT analysis can be used as an effective strategic tool to analyze the internal and external factors associated with the organization (Williams, Champion, and Hall 108). The primary objective of using the SWOT analysis is to uncover the opportunities, strengths, threats, and weaknesses of the company. The SWOT analysis of HTC Corp. is presented below:

A. Strengths: The research and development (R & D) capabilities of HTC is immense. The company has been involved in investments related to enhancing its R & D capabilities on a consistent basis since its inception. A significant portion of the revenues generated by the company accounts for R & D investments made by the company. Moreover, R & D professionals constitute most of the employees working in the organization.

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