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Write a 6 pages paper on islamic culture. It is a time during which Muslims make peace with their God. They have to get themselves clean of the distractions they suffer from in their daily lives. Duri

Write a 6 pages paper on islamic culture. It is a time during which Muslims make peace with their God. They have to get themselves clean of the distractions they suffer from in their daily lives. During the Hajj, Muslims embark on a pilgrimage to the heart of Islam. Mecca. Due to their sheer numbers, it is impossible for all the believers to be in this place at the same time. Therefore, according to their teachings, each Muslim should participate in the pilgrimage at least once in his/her lifetime.

According to their teachings, Hajj is among the basic building blocks of their religion. It involves several religious rites carried out over the course of several days. It is performed in the mosque at Mecca and its environs (Porter, 2012). The date of carrying out the rites is set and is advanced by ten days each year.

The festivities begin on the first day called the 8th dul Hijja where the participants have to darn the ihram. They then state their intents before proceeding. Next, they have to circle the kaaba at least 7 times. The pilgrims have to pray between the kaaba’s door and black stone before proceeding to the station of Ibrahim where they have to say more prayers.

Before moving on to the ritual of sa’ee, they have to stop over for a drink from the waters of zamzam. In this ritual, the pilgrims have to walk 7 times between Safa and Marwa hills. This is a commemoration of the actions of how Hajjar searched for food and water before Ismail brought forth water by stamping his foot on a water spring.

The second day is called the day of Arafat. The participants in the pilgrimage proceed to Arafat after holding a dawn prayer at Mina. The whole day could pass as the pilgrims stand here. During the entire duration of the Hajj, pilgrims have to recite the talbiya. This ritual is believed to have been first performed by Ibrahim as he was summoning faithful to Mecca.

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