Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Professional Practice Accountability and Reflection.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Professional Practice Accountability and Reflection. I have chosen the practice area of&nbsp.wound dressing since I identified that wound dressing is a technique, and this involves a high level of professional involvement and meticulousness to impart this. Apart from the principles of wound infection, wound nature, and principles of sterility, a thorough understanding of the physiology of the particular variety of wounds is necessary so standard care can be delivered to the patient. If all the principles are followed in a rigorous manner, there is no reason why a difficult wound would not heal. therefore, wound dressing has implications in patient outcome. I have observed that my skills in wound dressing have improved with practice and repeated dressings of the same wound while the patient was under my care. This indicates that practice of the principles improves the standard of the care particularly applicable to wound dressing, and the care standards may be strengthened, that is, practice may be strengthened. I have decided to reflect on my wound dressings with Joanna since reflection is a process that critically analyzes the care provided, and it would help me to find out my weaknesses and strengths. Not only that, this process of reflection would enhance my future practice (McCormack B, Manley K, Garbett R., 2004).

Definitions: The professional practice of nursing, midwifery, and health visiting takes place in a context of continuous change. New researches are taking place continuously, and the evidence base of practice and learning is being enhanced in a rapid manner. Therefore, new developments and continuously being introduced in practice, influenced by factors, such as government initiatives and improvements in medical and nursing science. Professional nurses cannot hope to practice safely, efficiently, and effectively-being constantly accountable to the fact whether standards of practice have been met or not unless they engage in continuing professional development mainly to maintain up to date knowledge base to underpin that practice and& facilitate the regular.

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