Article Writing Homework Help

Need an research paper on parent-child relations. Needs to be 9 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on parent-child relations. Needs to be 9 pages. Please no plagiarism. Impeccable efforts of professionals as well as policymakers to support families reflect our society’s realization of the significance of the parenting process for adults and children in the modern-day. The diverse child-rearing themes are usually based on a specific historical context. The characteristics of parents and children along with the ambiance of their interaction reflect the manner in which they will influence each other over the life span. Child-rearing behavior has direct effects on a parent’s developmental history along with his or her own childhood. Parents add their own views of children’s developments, learning and feelings to the parenting process. Parental beliefs play a crucial role in shaping child-rearing values and behaviors.

Parent education has occupied a significant place in the American culture for over a century through literature, professional consultation, or discussion groups (Martin & Colbert, 1997). Social changes may be held responsible for stimulating interest in this field. Community consensus about child-rearing practices is insufficient in today’s world (Martin & Colbert, 1997). The rapidly changing world has raised parents’ worries about raising their children. Formalized educational opportunities serve to solve their queries. This is conducted through written publications, classes, discussion groups, consultations with professionals. Nowadays, one can find umpteen numbers of written materials such as books, pamphlets, newsletters, and magazines on parenting which are consulted by the modern American parents more often than earlier generations of parents (Martin & Colbert, 1997). Technology has aided parent education by providing several innovative approaches. Television specials, videotapes, and audiotapes have grossly&nbsp.contributed to spreading child-rearing information to parents.

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