Article Writing Homework Help

1. did you think there was a difference between ML, DL and AI? If yes, explain. If no, also explain. 2. Based on your own field, how would ML, DL or AI be applied. 3. Now that you have read the chapte

1. did you think there was a difference between ML, DL and AI? If yes, explain. If no, also explain.

2. Based on your own field, how would ML, DL or AI be applied.

3. Now that you have read the chapter, watched the videos and read the attached links, can you make a distinction between the DALC and the SDLC?

If yes, briefly explain the key differences you have found between the concepts with examples to support your argument.

If no, briefly explain why you see them as the same concept with examples to support your argument.

4. Please research a few examples of additional use cases and actual implementations for Hadoop (you can not use an example from the textbook). Share in min 100 words the use case. There are more than 20 use cases and implementations out there so endeavor not to post the same example as another classmate, i.e. make sure you check the discussion posts before you share your example(s).

In your post, you will list the organization, brief summary of the implementation and your analysis of the success or failure of the implementation (if available)

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