Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. request for proposal (burger king) Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. request for proposal (burger king) Thank you in advance for the help! tional investments proposed by Burger King are aimed at ensuring that the firm expands its service and offered services to the local and international client bases. Determining the levels of investments is essential, in meeting the firms’ capability. In focusing on these factors, Burger King is able to meet the market demands and requirements. Analyzing the market will be essential in ensuring the firm produces quality service to the potential market.

In focusing on the space management, the firm has the capability of ensuring quality management of the space allocation. The new restaurant would focus on maximizing profit and working towards ensuring the firm attained its goals and meet the financial obligation set by BCAD. The site location is suitable in attracting enough customers per given time. The effective nature of the firm would play part in ensuring the firm provides competitive services that would attract clients and increase BCAD revenue collection. The potential market is essential in determining the models to be deployed by Burger King to ensure mutual benefits for the firm and BCAD. The focus will be to venture into the restaurant services and focus on quality delivery and provide a competitive edge over potential rival firms.

The market is wide and the manner in which a firm positions it among the elite will determine the levels of success. The firm has the ability to use its vast experience in the service industry to ensure maximum benefits for BCAD and the firm’s internal obligation. The firm has the capacity to handle a large number of clients and still maintain the quality service required of the firm. The experience the firm has in the field gives it an advantage age over other firms. Experience plays part in determining what services to be offered at a given time period. Maximizing return will be determined by the levels of models used b y the firm.

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