Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: The Founding Philosophy of The Hitachi Company.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: The Founding Philosophy of The Hitachi Company. Hitachi is an enterprise with high potential and caters to the diverse needs of society. The Hitachi Group consists of a total of 1091 companies including overseas, associate and subsidiaries. It has seven business units and employs 350,000 people globally (CSR, 2006). As of June 2006, the Board of Directors comprises of 14 members, four of which are from outside Hitachi. It is currently faced with certain issues – keeping itself abreast of the ever-changing technology and maintaining its market share, management of human resources, handling the loss of reputation due to the failure of the turbine, serving the society and bringing a turnaround of group finances. This paper aims to examine how the company aims to achieve these through its global strategies.

Hitachi has grown and developed due to its commitment to understanding the relationship between customers and society (CSR, 2005). They believe in creating products that exceed customer expectations. They respond timely to the dynamic changes that take place in the world and society. Right solutions or the right products and services suitable for customers, is their philosophy. ‘Quality First’ is the basic principle of the Hitachi Group.

The founding spirit can be captured in the words: “harmony,” “sincerity,” and “pioneering spirit.” Hitachi strives to provide new value by resolving the fundamental issues faced by the global community. Its founding philosophy is to serve the community through technology. Standards of Corporate Conduct is the basis for the Hitachi brand and CSR activities. It thus aims to foster shared values throughout the group. Through the Hitachi Group Headquarters, established in 2004, Hitachi is strengthening integrated management of the group, improving management oversight and executing business strategies to enable the organization to demonstrate its collective strengths (AR, 2006).

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