Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on swot analyis of sofitel paris arc de triomphe Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on swot analyis of sofitel paris arc de triomphe Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! A weakness of this hotel is linked to its age. It has not been refurbished recently and a quick look into online reviews suggest that the state of the hotel reflects this. Reports of cracked bathroom tiles and other negative aspects show that this is a major weakness of the hotel. It cannot compete in this way with some of the newer hotels that will offer the modern comforts that some tourists and businesspeople expect when visiting a luxury hotel such as this one. A weakness of this hotel is linked to its age. It has not been refurbished recently and a quick look into online reviews suggest that the state of the hotel reflects this. Reports of cracked bathroom tiles and other negative aspects show that this is a major weakness of the hotel. It cannot compete in this way with some of the newer hotels that will offer the modern comforts that some tourists and businesspeople expect when visiting a luxury hotel such as this one. Another weakness of the hotel is that there are a great many in this area of Paris. This is not something that can be matched and converted without serious takeover efforts by Sofitel, but it is something worth remembering when considering a business of this size. It would be wise for Sofitel to attempt to take over or push these competing hotels out.

The opportunities for this hotel are numerous. One of the main opportunities presented to this hotel would be the chance to upgrade and refurbish the rooms. As previously mentioned, the age of the building and the business seem to have negatively impacted this branch of Sofitel, and therefore a good refurbishment and refitting would greatly benefit the business and allow it to continue to charge the luxury prices that it does. Trips to the local Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower, Disneyland as well as its namesake the Arc de Triomphe could be arranged by the hotel and incorporated into some room rates to increase the profit margin. This reflects the great central location of this hotel and could help to outdo the competition in the local area. The most obvious threat here is that there are a great number of hotels in Paris with more modern interiors that can rival the luxury of this Sofitel branch.&nbsp.

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