Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. social learning approach to organizational behaviour Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. social learning approach to organizational behaviour Thank you in advance for the help! The business model that the entrepreneur comes up with has to show the way he is to get the human resources to assist in meeting the identified goals and objectives (Stevenson&Jarillo, 1990).&nbsp.He outlines the resources needed in fulfilling the need identified. The entrepreneur is often responsible for the success of the business identified and its failure as well. therefore, he has to plan on how to manage the business amidst all the problems and challenges in the immediate and external environment.

The entrepreneur often operates in some kind of an entrepreneurship ecosystem whereby he has to plan and develop tools that he can use to obtain additional funding and other resources needed in the achievement of the identified goals and objectives. For instance, he has to prepare his business plan in order to get assistance from the bank and other financial systems.

Entrepreneurship has caused the growth and development of small business initiatives to become large international ventures (Stevenson, 1997). This has led to the great success of these multinational corporations that have been aided by resourceful and able networking among the stakeholders involved and the investors (Stevenson & Jarillo, 1990). During the course, one of the areas that interested me was the development of social capital. This is because, in the long term, it helps in achieving great internationalization in many business activities across countries of the world. This paper summarizes all that I have learned, showing the areas that have been of great interest to me.

Stevenson & Zarillo (1990), have been effective in their research about the different ways in which people can start and manage business activities. According to this research, entrepreneurship is an important activity through which people can identify and exploit their diverse potential in solving various needs in the society and corporate world. In the same way, Stevenson (1997), outlines the six different dimensions on the subject of entrepreneurship.

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