Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Illegal Immigration in the UAE. Your paper should be a minimum of 16000 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Illegal Immigration in the UAE. Your paper should be a minimum of 16000 words in length. Amidst globalization in the twenty-first century, migrant workers are traversing international boundaries more readily than previous decades (Human Rights Watch, 2009. UNHCR, 2009). In fact, the United Nations and it’s 2009 Human Rights Watch Slow Movement report revealed that 214 million international migrants comprise the worldwide migrant workforce (UNHCR, 2009). The United Nations argues this number is actually significantly higher — several hundred million — when internal migrants are factored into the equation (2009, Slow Movement). While migrant workers are not a new phenomenon, reasons compelling them to pursue work and lives beyond their national borders are diverse (UNHCR, 2009). Economics, politics, policies, and labor demand greatly coauthor such pursuits (Human Rights Watch, 2009, Slow Movement. Menon, 2009. Anonymous, 2002, July 12). However, other forces can and do motivate them, including conflicts within a region and statelessness. consider Bedouins or other persons born within a particular land but devoid of citizenship or those Bedouins whose occupations have historically required migrant lifestyles (Lobe, 2008. al Ghabib, Essam, Yassin, 2008. Loveday, Driscoll and Ruiz, 2009).

In the Middle East, all of these factors give rise to migrant workers, immigrants, refugees, and the need for visas, residency, and/or work permits (Anonymous, 2005. Mustafa, 2009. Ruiz, 2008). The countries incur the costs and consequences of these populations (BI-ME, 2009. UAE, 2009, p. 28).

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