Article Writing Homework Help

1.Give some real-life examples of organizations that use each of the four different types of teams describe (List and define each type, then give a specific example – personal examples are fine) Site

1.Give some real-life examples of organizations that use each of the four different types of teams describe (List and define each type, then give a specific example – personal examples are fine)

Site your references

2.Is the type of team structure used by each organization effective or not? (Explain why you believe this).

Answer the following question in essay form (double-spaced, APA format):

a)       What are some effective strategies for enhancing successful team performance?

b)      How can these strategies help to decrease threats to team performance and motivation?

c)       What are some of the positive effects of execution within a team?

d)      What are some of the problems that arise from poor execution?

e)       How can a manager ensure better execution of efforts within a team?

You will need at least five peer-reviewed sources to support your claims.

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