Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on foreign exchange markets Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on foreign exchange markets Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! It includes trading between large banks, central banks, governments, multinational companies, and other foreign exchange markets. The trade happening globally in forex markets is huge. averaging $1.9 trillion a day. Retail traders are a very small part of this market and usually participate only indirectly through brokers and banks.

It includes trading between large banks, central banks, governments, multinational companies, and other foreign exchange markets. The trade happening globally in forex markets is huge. averaging $1.9 trillion a day. Retail traders are a very small part of this market and usually participate only indirectly through brokers and banks. The foreign exchange market differs from other markets in certain specific ways. First of all, it differs in terms of its trading volume. The trading volume of foreign exchange markets is very high. average daily turnover in foreign exchange markets was estimated to be $1,880 billion.&nbsp.

The market is highly liquid and its levels of liquidity are exemplary. Thirdly, there are a large number of traders in the market who all come from diverse backgrounds. Fourthly, the foreign exchange markets are characterized by long trading hours. twenty-four hours trading except on weekends. Lastly, foreign exchange markets are highly geographically dispersed. There are a lot of factors which influence foreign exchange rates. The foreign exchange markets can be seen as a huge melting pot. there is a mix of ever-changing current events, constantly shifting supply and demand factors and so does the price of one currency in relation to another.

It is a market which is influenced hugely by what is happening around it, like no other market.&nbsp. Three categories that specifically affect supply and demand factors in exchange markets include. economic factors, political conditions, and market psychology. Economic factors encompass economic policies, economic conditions revealed through reports and economic indicators, government fiscal policy, and monetary policy. Economic conditions are known to include. budget deficits which are good if narrow. This means that spending is less than revenue. Other economic conditions include inflation, the balance of trade and economic growth and health.&nbsp.

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