Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Concept of Marketing Commodities in a Consumer Market. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Concept of Marketing Commodities in a Consumer Market. It needs to be at least 1750 words. Claritin employed Lunden for allergy control products. Likewise, Bob Dole was seen endorsing for Viagra as he himself was suffering from and erectile dysfunction. This trend had now snowballed into big phenomenon with more celebrities pitching an ever-expanding array of prescription drugs on popular mainstream media. But this begs a lot of questions concerning ethics. For instance, celebrities are perceived as more trustworthy and credible than a model. But if the product being endorsed does not result in stated outcomes or does not perform as per the initial claims, the role of its endorsers (celebrities) need to be questioned. According to a noted industry analyst,

“Celebrities do grab people’s attention in many cases more than a happy, active couple on the beach just after they’ve taken their drug. The question is whether that breakthrough component will fade as more and more well-known faces are seen promoting different products. Also, there is the risk that endorsers come off as aggressively pitching a drug rather than discussing a condition” (Neff, 2002).

A case in point is the drug Vioxx, which attracted several consumer lawsuits after being pitched for sale by Olympic gold medallist figure-skater Dorothy Hamill. The ethically concerned are pushing for a legal framework in which the endorsers are also made equally liable along with the business corporation (Krebsbach, 2006).

Another area of concern regarding ethical marketing practices is the presently fashionable marketing technique that tries to reach consumers in such a way that they might not even realize they’re dealing with an advertisement.&nbsp.And quite rightly, this is raising the ire of critics such as Commercial Alert.

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