Article Writing Homework Help

Write 4 pages with APA style on For Applying University of California. I consider venturing into any activity that builds up my indispensable qualities as a business economist. The activities and qual

Write 4 pages with APA style on For Applying University of California. I consider venturing into any activity that builds up my indispensable qualities as a business economist. The activities and qualities that are illustrated by this document manifest the degree of pursuance of my career. I developed an exceptionally strong interest in Business Economics which I made a decision to major in during my further education. Born in a middle class family where my parents gathered a lot of effort to raise me up, I quickly inferred the need for finance from this experience. As it is said, necessity is the mother of invention, and so I got interested in economics. My father’s insufficient knowledge and skills in financial control were my earliest cues to pursue economics to professional level. He ran a small business for selling fashion clothes, food factory – selling deep-fried flour sticks and grilled potatoes. His investment performed poorly in the stock markets during the financial crisis (downturn). Then his investment failed totally not long after. Key knowledge learnt here was about microeconomics and macroeconomics. I learnt how the limited knowledge on these fields impacted negatively my father’s investments.

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