Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on business plan: the spirit hop and grape company asia ltd.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on business plan: the spirit hop and grape company asia ltd. The purpose of this business plan is to provide a blueprint for import and distribution of SHAG (the beer), SHAG RTD (Ready to drink) and SHAG Blue (caffeine and guarana) from Holland. Dark Horse Imports Inc., is a soon to be launched branch of The Spirit, Hop and Grape Company (SHAG), to commence operations in January 2006 and is ready to import and distribute premium lager SHAG and other related products in the Australian marketplace. Dark Horse Imports Inc. is dedicated to providing the Australian public with the best tasting, premium beer the world has to offer and also aims to control and distribute all SHAG related products for Australia. The first product that the company will be launching will be SHAG, a premium lager “microbrew” type beer due to the lack of any real competition in this marketplace. The second product will be Blue SHAG Vodka plus, a delightful Vodka drink based with taurine, guarana and caffeine. The third product is a “fab” drink. Following the trend of “fab” drinks, SHAG will launch its own exciting range of fruit-flavoured fermented alcohol drinks. The researcher then analyzes the Australian alcohol market, that is currently dominated by standard lager, with premium beers only recently becoming a major competitor for market share. The researcher states that as a consequence, there are only a few players in the market, with several international players trying to get a foot in, as the case is for SHAG to succeed in the market and prove to be a great way to realise a profit.

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