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EDUC 816 Trend Chart and Bar Graph Assignment Instructions Overview Surveys used in applied research generate information that is precise, expedient, and easy, as compared to other forms of data colle

EDUC 816

Trend Chart and Bar Graph Assignment Instructions


Surveys used in applied research generate information that is precise, expedient, and easy, as compared to other forms of data collection. There are many different types of scales used to collect data, and each type may yield very different information. It is extremely important to thoughtfully and skillfully choose the correct or most appropriate type of scale for your study.


For this assignment, you will use the instructions below to complete the Trend Chart and Bar Graph for this assignment. 

·      The first page should be a correctly current APA formatted title page that includes the title of the assignment.

·      The second page should contain a trend chart and bar graph that you create using the information below. 

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