Article Writing Homework Help

Write 1 page thesis on the topic marketing plan part a. PET SPRAY The product has been developed to replace the cloth that pets such as dogs wear. The pet spray is a coloredhair spray for pets. It is

Write 1 page thesis on the topic marketing plan part a. PET SPRAY The product has been developed to replace the cloth that pets such as dogs wear. The pet spray is a coloredhair spray for pets. It is simple to apply, attractive, easy to use and washable. The pet spray is meant to solve the constant problem of pets tearing their shirts. The pet spray easily dries within 20-30 seconds thus the pet does not smear on house furniture. It is also keen to note that the spray is clear of toxic materials and skin allergy. Pet spray is a product of fast moving consumer goods. The firm has continually been at the forefront of other low cost and fast moving goods. It has been in existence and operation since 2007 and aims at providing solutions to day to day tasks.

The marketing strategy of the pet spray product wise includes decisions related to product mix (Small Business management 382). It involves branding, packaging and labeling. Intensive brand promotion plays a key role in facilitating sales. The strategy is to engage social media marketing platform as a tool to expose the brand to the target market due to the power of sharing. The brand symbol/ picture will involve pets and the different types of ambiance. The spray paint is packaged in a spray can with an easy to handle valve jet. this is at giving the brand protection, information provision and facilitating sales appeal. Good packages facilitate point of purchase, and it is keen to note that packaging has emerged as a major promotional tool in the consumer goods segment. The spray also comprises of application instructions, labeling assist consumers to understand the nature of the product and its unique features such as easily washable and removable.

Work Cited

Justin G., Lorena P., Loeza T., (2008), Small Business Management, Cengage Learning Pp.

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