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Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Negotiation skill and conlfict.

Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Negotiation skill and conlfict. Conflict and Negotiation Management Affiliation Getting to Yes- Negotiation Skills https The video emphasizes upon the important of saying yes. The example that has been taken in the video is of two comedians improvising to enhance the work quality. As Marjorie says, the foundation of any project relies on the power of yes. The first tip provided by Marjorie in order to facilitate ‘yes’ is making an eye contact as it is the first ‘yes’. Marjorie further stated that with the help of an eye contact, first connection is made with the other person. So instead of texting and looking at computer screen eye contact must be made. The second tip mentioned in the video is the power of yes. While negotiating, instead of using no one should yes, in order to develop better understanding with the other person. The third tip focus on the power of words. It has been said that words such as But, If, No, Or, Should, Could, create barrier between the two. Therefore, while negotiating words such as Yes, And, Let’s must be used.

Conflict Resolution

This video focuses on conflict and pathways for resolving conflict. Most people prefer to avoid conflict, other get sick or go on stress leave. The most common problem while dealing with conflict is denial that often extends the conflicts for weeks, months, and in some cases even years. It has been said that some people assume conflict as warfare, dead bodies, and blood on the streets. The correct definition of conflict has been provided which states as, “Conflict exists when one person has a need of another and that need is not being met”. In order to manage conflict, first the need should be expressed. Second, it must be sought if the need can be met or not. In case the need is not met and the person is afraid of negotiating for it then it leads to silent treatment, gossiping, backstabbing, shouting, and getting angry and aggressive. Therefore, stating in simple words, the resolution starts with expressing the need and negotiating the need without being afraid or nervous.

Tips for Managing Conflict

Quite often, conflict cost a lot to employers. As mentioned in the video, in the U.S. alone, conflicts causes employers $1 billion each year. Conflicts results due to difference in perspective or opinion, limited resources, and miscommunication. In order to control conflict, one needs to be aware enough regarding own self and others as well. Assertiveness refers to being aware of own self whereas for understanding others cooperativeness is required. There five styles that help in managing conflict. They include competing, avoiding, compromising, collaborating, accommodating. One can choose appropriate style for themselves depending upon their unique traits, personality, upbringing, work environment, and education. One must also try to learn other styles of managing conflict as per the appropriateness of the situation.

Conflict and Negotiation

Negotiation is a process where two or more parties exchange and agree on idea for them there are two general approaches for negotiation. They include distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining. Distributive bargaining relies on the concept of win-lose. In integrative bargaining, parties collaborate to find a win-win solution for both the parties. The success of negotiation depends upon gender differences, personality traits,

The process of negotiation includes following steps.

i. Preparation and planning

ii. Definition of ground rules

iii. Clarification and justification

iv. Bargaining and problem solving

v. Closure and implementation

All these steps must be followed for better and successful negotiation.


Fisher, R., Ury, W., and Patton, B. (1991). Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York, NY: Penguin.

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