Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on analytical report on the importance of the usa to the qatarairways future prospects.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on analytical report on the importance of the usa to the qatarairways future prospects. This can be signified by the airline’s 2014 business strategy in which it plans to launch its services in Fort Worth, Dallas. Experts suggest that once this service will be initiated then the competition of Gulf Airlines in USA will significantly increase. Here, it should be noted that Qatar Airlines already operate in Washington Dulles and New York JFK from its capital city Doha. However, its services in Dallas will start a new round of competition between three major airlines including Etihad Airways, Emirates and Qatar Airways (Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways: Dallas becomes the hub crossroad for all three Gulf airlines, 2013).

New flight will also serve as the basis for new relationship between two countries. Furthermore, it will increase feed benefits from the Gulf countries to the United States markets and domestic network particularly located at central and Latin America. These will subsequently increase connecting opportunities for Qatar in US while also increasing its revenue. In this perspective, Dallas will play a significant role as the state is located near the Exxon Mobil, the oil giant in Texas. Exxon Mobil is actually a significant source of providing oil for local traffic airlines specifically associated with Dallas. Based on these factors it can be safely said that US economy and its resources are highly significant for Qatar Airways (Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways: Dallas becomes the hub crossroad for all three Gulf airlines, 2013).

American Airlines are associated with a U.S. anchor which further forms One World Frequent – Flier Alliance. This alliance invited Qatar Airways to become its part and the company accepted this offer in 2012 (Mutzabaugh, 2012).

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