Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 6 pages paper on quality service: hotel property administration. Fire detection and suppression systems are among the most important safety measures that any hotel must be equipped with. Havin

Write a 6 pages paper on quality service: hotel property administration. Fire detection and suppression systems are among the most important safety measures that any hotel must be equipped with. Having a detection system that actually works and the alert is attended to fast, be one of the important things that all hotels must put in place. Hotels which are large and accommodate a large number of people must have a well set up fire detection system or else, the lives of many could be at risk. There are main ways of detecting and suppressing a fire in a hotel is having the correct signs, exits and a good location where fire could not catch the property easily. An efficient fire system must be set up with regard to saving time in case of a fire as well as put measures that would not lead to severe damage that could harshly affect a hotel’s budget.

Fire detection signs must be set up in all hotel hallways as well as in each room. Alarms have for a long time served as a tool to help the management team detect a fire and alert every person in the hotel to depart. Upgrades of the alarms are important since they fail once they are pressed for a long time. Setting up an alarm circuit that could link to the whole building is very important in fire emergencies. Any guest at a hotel feels safe once they see fire alarms set up. Also, fire exit signs are a must have for any hotel. The manner in which people leave a building is very crucial. The exit doors and exit access doors must be large enough to allow a significant amount of people to dash through in the shortest time possible.

Some hotels have gone an extra mile and set up firewalls that are about two hours long. These serve as safe locations for people who might not leave the hotel building in time in case a fire has already begun.&nbsp.

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