Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on cons of legalized prostitution Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on cons of legalized prostitution Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Sweden has taken a different legal approach, decriminalizing the women in prostitution while at the same time penalizing the buyers.

Prostitution should not be legalized. it should be treated as sexual exploitation and violence against women, and not as ‘sex work’. The arguments against legalizing prostitution apply to all state-sponsored forms of prostitution including the legal operation of brothels and pimping, decriminalization of the sex industry, regulating prostitution through registration and health checks for women, recognizing prostitution as ‘sex work’ or advocating it as employment of choice (Raymond 315).

Raymond (315) argues that “legitimizing prostitution as work makes the harm of prostitution to women invisible, expands the sex industry, and does not empower the women in prostitution”. The arguments against the legalization of prostitution are presented:

The legalization of prostitution or decriminalization of the sex industry would have several negative effects, particularly on women who are the commodity on sale. Legalization in the Netherlands authorizes and permits various aspects of the sex industry. this includes the women themselves, the buyers, and the pimps, “who under the regime of legalization, are transformed into third-party businessmen and legitimate sexual entrepreneurs”, states Raymond (315). Legalization and decriminalization of the sex industry also convert brothels, sex clubs, massage parlours, and other sites of prostitution activities into legitimate venues where commercial sexual acts are allowed to thrive, with few legal restraints.

Countries which criminalize women for prostitution activities should advocate for the decriminalization of the women in prostitution. Such exploited women should not be punished by criminalization. However, pimps, buyers, procurers, brothels, or other sex establishments should not be decriminalized (Raymond 316).&nbsp.

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