Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on outsourcing prisoners to different countries Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on outsourcing prisoners to different countries Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Outsourcing typically refers to contracting out a range of public services and/or responsibilities to other private organizations or entities in order to achieve different types of benefits such as correctional expenditures, reduce costs, reduce crime, improve law and order, and achieve other types of correctional measures.&nbsp. From the perspective of criminology, according to the National Council on Crime and Delinquency indicated that the practice of state and local correctional agencies contracting with private entities for medical, mental health, educational, food services, maintenance, and administrative office security functions have shown significant rise. notably, the correctional agency maintains control over policy decisions and the quality of service provided by the private agency, using a&nbsp. monitor to maintain policy control and management of the private facility (Price, 2006).

The most significant reasons for outsourcing parts of work or entire work to other units are reduced costs and increased profits along with improved efficiency in yield.&nbsp. Williamson’s (1975) analysis indicated that independent, competing service providers are potentially more economical and innovative than captive workers (cited in Mahoney, 2005. p.72).&nbsp. Besides these, work and services obtained from prisoners are said to be beneficial for taxpayers by reducing recidivism and promoting social duty to help criminals return to society, with the use of cheap labor (Hollis, 2008).

Historical background

Privatization is believed to have been the result of American President Ronald Regan’s and the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s advocacy of selling off government assets and reduce the role of government in all forms of undertakings and business.&nbsp.&nbsp.

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