Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 3250 words assignment on language and linguistics: an adult learners reading & writing skills. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 3250 words assignment on language and linguistics: an adult learners reading & writing skills. Needs to be plagiarism free! In fact, on occasion, teachers made disparaging comments about his accent often commenting that his writing was a reflection of the way he spoke. These comments were made in the presence of other students.

Student A generally perceived an unwillingness to help him improve. Likewise, A became increasingly frustrated at his inability to express himself properly and that as a result of these factors he felt a disconnect with the learning process. According to A, the cumulative impact of these factors was a lack of confidence which continues to hamper him today. A attributes his weak communication skills to the fact that he emulated his parents and they refused to alter the way they spoke. After leaving school, A naturally resumed his old habits particularly since his old communication habits were entirely acceptable in his home. In retrospect, A regrets discontinuing his secondary education as he now lacks appreciable skills and qualifications. It is obvious that A was comfortable within the family setting and found it relatively easier to subscribe to the linguistic modes practiced in the home, although he knew it was grammatically incorrect. While he was willing to conform to and learn correct grammar at school, help from his mentors was insufficient and at times discouraging. His teachers further alienated him by exposing his linguistic difficulties to his peers in a non-productive manner. These factors combined to sap A’s confidence and desire to improve his linguistic approach.

Student A maintains that his literary skills are no greater than those of a seven-year-old. He attributes this to his truancy and partly a result of the school’s refusal to offer support. In the last 6 months, A has been attending literacy classes and upon initial matriculation, his literary skills were assessed at E2 Established of the Literacy Core Curriculum and are currently in my Monday E3 class. Having reviewed some of his completed work, I determined that he&nbsp.appeared to be closer to an E1 characterization.&nbsp.

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