Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. executive summary memo Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. executive summary memo Thank you in advance for the help! Executive Summary Report Executive Summary Report New Sales and Marketing Manager 12/12/214 [Olympia Bakery]

Olympia Bakery is a dessert bakery company located in Kismet city, Michigan. We are described as the best quick service restaurant where customers are welcomed to sit and watch how the meals are prepared. Our products are sold at the bakery and also outside the city where we have the stores to facilitate the sales process (Mintzberg, H. et al., 2007).

Olympia Bakery is committed to be the best alternative dessert producer and supplier in the city. It will become a favorite spot for all our esteemed customers residing within and out of the in the city. It is now in the optimal location of launching a new bakery concept. We also hope to become the most desired tourist destination both for the domestic and international tourists.

In future, we plan to relocate to the central business development which we believe will provide us with an advantageous place. The tax incentives will give money to establish another business (Tracy, 2000). We are aggressively planning to increase the sales in the second year by about 55%. By creating a new bakery, Olympia Bakery will increase its sales volume by at least $240,000 over the next three years while maintaining the gross margin of 77%.

Through the philosophy of “all is possible” regarding the products and services, Olympia Bakery will establish itself as an exceptional dessert supplier in the larger Michigan. We will gain a competitive advantage in take out. The summary outlines the concept philosophy and financial forecasted financials.

The chart showing the sales volume, profit margin and net profit for the company’s next three years

The Objectives include:

1. Attain sales volume of $ 270,000 in the first year.

2. To increase the second year sales by 60% and the third year by 30%.

3. To expand the stores in the outskirts of the city by the end of the third year.

4. To meet the customers at their house with the product.

5. To favorably compete with other new firms selling the same products


Olympia Bakery is a hospitality company that is dedicated to providing high quality products in free and fair atmosphere for the clients within and without the city. Our intention is to make profit and return to our investors to continue financing our company. We strive to maintain friendly and fair relationships (Pinson, 2004). In addition we maintain creative work environment with respect to culture diversity, ideas and handwork of the members

Key to success

Dictation to finest quality to customer services

Employee education on the current programmers

Giving back to the community

Making a follow up activities and prompt feedback

Flexible program

Prompt information concerning the product

This information is necessary for the customer and the potential financier to our bakery. This information informs the customer of the company stand and is potential in the future. It can be found online at

Thanks a lot.

Mr. J.J. Ballard.


Mintzberg, H. et al. (2007). The Strategy Process:Concepts, Contexts, Cases. Upper Saddle

River: Prentice Hall.

Pinson, L. (2004). Anatomy of a Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Business and

Securing Your Company’s Future (6th Edition). Chicago: Dearborn Trade Publishers.

Tracy, B. (2000). The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success. San Fransisco:

Berrett, Koehler Publishers.

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