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Write 6 pages with APA style on The Concept of Freedom according to Different Authors.

Write 6 pages with APA style on The Concept of Freedom according to Different Authors. Globalization has been brought about by individuals desire to live better and to be free. The importance of a globalized world is the mobility associated with it across the world.

The key attraction to globalization is freedom as suggested by Micklethwait and Wooldridge (2000). The nature of globalization overcomes the barriers associated with where to invest, what to buy or where to go thus giving individuals the chance to make choice. This freedom associated with globalization is in terms of social, political and economic freedom. In the case of political freedom, globalization provides for the best opportunities good governance and democracies. Globalization brings economic freedom in terms of free market competition for goods and services. Social freedom means that individuals are free to move to all parts of world and interact freely without any kind of restriction.&nbsp.

According to Nikolas Rose, Freedom and its value is becoming principle of most of the political endeavor and projects. The free world where the individuals dwell is triumphed with free market economy brought about by globalization according to Rudnycky (2010). The aspect of freedom according to Nikolas Rose underpins individual’s perception of how they want to be organized, ruled and understood in respect to their predicament. In the past, freedom in all aspects of life was seen to eradicate social stability, order, and ethics of work, civility and the value of the family. Today with the growth of globalization, freedom is valued as it brings about social mobility. Individuals have desired to be free and are always on the motive of getting liberation. However political freedom appears to be paradoxical and is almost theoretical rather than practical. According to Rose, this is because the world today is characterized by the opposition existing between freedom and government.

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