Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 11 pages analysis while answering the following question: Impact of Ethical Consumerism on the Environment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 11 pages analysis while answering the following question: Impact of Ethical Consumerism on the Environment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Ethical consumerism is a personal allocation of finance, which includes value for consumption and investment, whereby choice is inherent for particular purposes whether personal human rights, justice, the surroundings or even for animal welfare (Co-operative Group, ECRA, 2010). Ethical consumerism is also known as ethical consumption, green consumption or ethical shopping. Green goods are a term used to refer to products whose production ensures economic development and at the same time promotes a pollution free environment for the benefit of future generations. The market for green goods has been increasing but still, much effort has to be taken to ensure that green goods attain a stable market and also eliminate fluctuating prices due to changing preferences. Green goods are not only beneficial to the environment but also provide the body with nutrients. A good example is that organic milk gives more omega-3 fatty acids more than what is offered by conventional milk. Buying green products means that less harmful gases will be released to the environment. Most green products also are bio-degradable which means that the will not pollute the environment, unlike plastic bags. Buying fresh products also insinuates reducing packages and the cost of packaging. This will lead to reduced use of plastics thus less pollution and also more reserved funds which can be used in other beneficial economic activities. Most of the applications which people apply on the skin should be more organic to reduce the number of toxic chemicals which enter the body through its biggest organ. the skin. Buying of green products implies supporting the local market through the consumption of organic products produced by organic agriculture thus improving on the total usage of green products which conserves the environment in the long run. Ethical consumerism can be improved through communication strategies like advertising and communal education on the importance of consuming green goods rather than convectional goods and their diverse effects on the environment while reminding on the dangers posed to the environment.

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