Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Developing a Direct Marketing Campaign for a Consumer Product. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Developing a Direct Marketing Campaign for a Consumer Product. It needs to be at least 2000 words. The Lipton Green Tea (LGT) will be portrayed as having the beneficial health ingredients such as the much-needed vitamins and minerals and its natural products with no preservatives, additives, and food coloring thereby eliminating the possibility of having harmful side effects will be the main theme of the marketing plan. This marketing strategy to attract a particular target audience will be implemented from January 2006 to June 2006. Free one bottle samples will be given to the prospective youngster.

They will then fill up a survey questionnaire to determine their taste comments and other comments and suggestions. Colorful expensive brochures and flyers will be given to each free sampling student advertising the many health benefits taking the Lipton Green Tea to make them familiar with the products. The LGT will have the same selling price as a Coke product. This means the LGT will have a very optimistic projection of its marketing strategy to corner a big portion of the beverage consuming market. Coke is one of the favorite thirst quenchers gulped during snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner and special occasions such as parties, love dates.

The next batch of target marketing will be implemented from December to April 2006. The target group is composed of prospective customers relating to the ages ranging from twenty-two to forty-five years old that happen to pass by when the marketing function is conducted in shopping malls, bus stands, train, and public transport stations within the Los Angeles District.

The plan will be to attract beverage fanatics to replace their diabetes-promoting beverage needsª with the health-giving minerals and vitamins found in LGT drinks. The prospective customers will be given expensive colorful brochures and flyers advertising the many health benefits of replacing their present beverages wants like Coke and Pepsi products with the vitamin and mineral filled LGT extract drink for the same selling price.

The communications choice

This particular marketing strategy will concentrate on personalized or face to face giving of free LGT Extract drinks to the customer ranging from twelve twenty-one in schools, colleges, and universities. The strategy also includes giving free samples to people with ages from twenty-two to forty-five in shopping malls, bus stands, trains and other public transport stations from December 2005 to June 2006. Free colorful and expensive leaflets advocating the many mineral and vitamin components plus its no preservative ( recent medical studies show that preservatives are known to cause side effects in most people).

The shopping malls include West Pavilion Mall, Westchester Faire Antique Mall, Korean Shopping Center, San Vicente Plaza, Arco Plaza, University Village Shopping Center, 333 South Alameda Corp., Top Realty, Laeroc, Income Fund, Japanese Village Plaza plus twenty other shopping mall, train or public transport areas with the Los Angeles Area.

Some of the forty percent net profit will be allocated to advertising in popular newspapers with circulation in California and magazines that have given copies to almost all places with California.

"Our Prices Start at $11.99. As Our First Client, Use Coupon Code GET15 to claim 15% Discount This Month!!"