Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on customer psychology Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on customer psychology Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Why do some fast food customers leave their food trays on the table Bruce Horovitz of USA Today reported on the gradual abolishing of trays from college cafeterias in the United States. He reports that the energy consumed by washing food trays costs thousands of dollars at any one college venue. However, the understanding of energy for that discussion is electricity. Do fast food customers believe that carrying their trays to the bin is a waste of their energy Theoretically, energy is transferable and for all practical purposes finite, so the points made about saving electricity should apply except that a cleaner or someone else has to do it anyway, so a little thinking renders that argument useless. So, does their argument provide evidence of energy efficiency or plain laziness Furthermore, are fast food customers lazier than the general population because of their diets Is fast food consumption a cause of laziness or an effect of it Maybe the reason is completely different. Perhaps these customers think that if they remove the trays themselves cleaners will lose their jobs Kevin Lim who hosts a show on 99.9 Sun FM has tackled this explanation and believes it to be a complete cover up. His opinion is that such customers are just lazy and that they attempt to take the ethical high ground by stating that their behavior creates jobs for cleaners. A reader commenting on Mr. Lim’s post-show blog, complained that if all customers cleared their tables, those tables would never be properly cleaned. In other words, he believes that by not cleaning up after themselves, some fast food customers encourage hygienic attitudes in those restaurants. So, is it laziness, global warming, cleanliness, negligence or absent mindedness that causes customers to act that way Perhaps more importantly, what do these customers themselves admit the reasons are

Specific Hypothesis:

The majority (&gt.50%) of McDonald’s customers who do not pick up their trays and empty them in the trash bin after their meal will not admit that laziness is the reason behind them doing so.



A survey was designed comprising of 5 questions. The target population was identified as the first 30 (n= 30) McDonald’s customers who ate their meals and did not pick up their trays or empty them in the provided bin starting 2 pm on 28 April 2009. The survey was to be filled anonymously with no mention of name or contact information.


1- Are you a frequenter (more than thrice a week) of fast food restaurants

Possible Answers: Yes/No

2- Do you believe that people who are frequent (more than thrice a week) fast food customers are

lazier than the average population

Possible Answers: Yes/No

3- Do you believe a McDonald’s customer should pick up his/her tray and empty it into the bin after consuming his/her meal

Possible Answers: Yes/No

4- Is laziness the reason that you did not pick up your tray and empty it into the bin

Possible Answers: Yes/No

5- The next time you visit McDonald’s, would you even consider picking up your tray and emptying it in the trash bin

Possible Answers: Yes/No


Question 1: Yes: 19 (63.33%) No: 11 (36.67%)

Question 2: Yes: 7 (23.33%) No: 23 (76.

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