Article Writing Homework Help

Write 12 pages thesis on the topic general electric and cybernetics principles.

Write 12 pages thesis on the topic general electric and cybernetics principles. He perceptively foresaw innovative social and ethical consequences.

In this new century, the global economy has entered an Information Technology era in which globalization and internet-based communication network have forced all large enterprises and companies to inevitably face with the challenge of multiple venture management, including production management, strategic management, and capital management. (Ashby, 1956) The common essence for these enterprises is the uncertainty of management outcome. That is the reason why the manager cannot find a long-term and changeless way for fluctuate business environment and management objects. The theory of opportunity cybernetics and decision harmonizing in this

paper is designated to overcome the difficulties of modern enterprises with multiple venture management. In the following, we will introduce several exceptional phenomena that affect the multiple venture management in the competitive global market. Then, we will outline the basic concepts and modeling of opportunity cybernetics and decision-harmonizing theory. Finally, an example of General Electric Company is shown to illustrate the practice of this theory in the real world.

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