Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Amy Winehouse Tragic Event. Her celebrity status and stardom at such a young age, combined with the pressure of being a successful and evolving artist made her

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Amy Winehouse Tragic Event. Her celebrity status and stardom at such a young age, combined with the pressure of being a successful and evolving artist made her ‘terrified’ of her own success (Sledge, 2011). Her extremely quick flight to stardom made her one of the busiest stars in the world. Winehouse reportedly lost a lot of weight due to her hectic schedule. later, her physical appearance and the constant media attention revealed a deep drug dependence that had started to threaten her well being. Winehouse was caught in possession of marijuana in Norway with her husband. Winehouse had acceded to be suffering from alcoholism. she was also chronically involved in substance abuse, most famously when her U.S. tour got affected in 2007 as she had to be hospitalized due to overdosing on heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and ketamine (Sturges, 2011). Only last year, her European tour got canceled as she was too ‘ill’ to perform (McKinley Jr., Somaiya & Werdigier, 2011).

According to the Los Angeles Times, the toxicology report of Amy Winehouse after her death was presented to her family and only partially made public, claiming only alcohol but no illegal drugs were in her system. legal drugs were not discussed by the family. this could have been done in order to allow the family to protect her legacy (2011).

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