Article Writing Homework Help

Please answer the below questions in 2 pages. 1. Where did Netflix create value or where did they miss value? a. Comparing to Blockbuster (BBI) may be useful 2. How does the financial data reflect dif

Please answer the below questions in 2 pages.

1. Where did Netflix create value or where did they miss value?

a. Comparing to Blockbuster (BBI) may be useful

2. How does the financial data reflect differences between BBI and Netflix?

a. How may these difference impact strategies?

b. How may strategic choices impact financial differences?

3. Focusing on Netflix’ changing model, describe emergent and disruptive choices.

a. How could BBI retaliate?

Apply: Competitive advantage, evolution and disruption concepts

Ask if unsure about applying these concepts: emergent vs. defined strategy (innovation)

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