Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. background of role of body in sports Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. background of role of body in sports Thank you in advance for the help! There are numerous believes about the genders and gender roles in our society (Orlansky, R., 2004). Among these believes, some only apply to the personal lives of individuals whereas, some beliefs touch the lives of masses around the world. Believes that touch the lives of masses generally include the role of gender in sports and the role of gender in the workplace.

Now we will go deeper into the topic of body and sports. Let us start with the sport of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is a set of technology-based weight lifting activities at is aimed at building the muscles of body beliefs past, people could not imagine that one day females would start performing bodybuilding practices. In this modern world, we all know that both males and females perform bodybuilding practices. The perspective behind taking bodybuilding exercises is different for different people. Some people take bodybuilding exercises to beautify the shape of their body whereas, some people just take weightlifting exercises to burn extra calories to keep their body smart (Wesely, J.K., 2001).

Another general belief of people is that disabled people must not participate in sports because their body does not allow them to participate in sports. Moreover, some people say that the bodies of disabled persons are not meant for participating in sports and sporting competitions. This is not a rational approach to this issue. It is a matter of grief to see people attributing bad names for the people who take the plunge and participate in sporting events. This is a matter of pride for people who even cannot walk but struggle and they try to run with artificial legs! Thus participation of disabled persons in sports and sporting competitions must not be restrictive and oppressive (Wellard, I., 2002).

Sports, body, and taunts of coaches is strongly connected to each other. It is a common phenomenon that sports coaches call bad names for people who are slow, fat, or too thin. These coaches openly say bad things to trainees.

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