Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Access to Finance for Small Businesses.

Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Access to Finance for Small Businesses. When a small business&nbsp.finds itself competing in the same market as a large business, it is important to ensure a relatively equal level of access to finance for all the businesses before the market competition can take place in a very fair and open-ended manner. In the absence of this, the market becomes unfair, particularly against small businesses. In this paper, therefore, the researcher discusses the issue of access to finance for small businesses to see the key factors that account for access for small businesses, the challenges that small businesses go through in accessing finance, as well as the importance of access to finance for the small businesses. The paper is expected to serve a lot of importance to small businesses and stakeholders in the financing of these businesses, including government and banks. This is because the core issues on the ground will be exposed for further decision making.

The methodology sees to explain the approach that the writer took to collecting data on the key issues that were identified for the study. For this paper, the emphasis of the writer was on small businesses, for which reason case study was used as the research strategy. This is because case study affords the writer the opportunity to concentrate on a specific issue within an identified research setting where data collection can be done to address the issue (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2003). The case study was conducted from a more qualitative perspective, where the writer used secondary data collection to undertake the case study. This means that there was no primary data collection where the writer had to interact with respondents. Rather, various literature sources, including books, academic journals, official websites, and annual reports of companies were used to sample key data for the study. As part of the case study, the writer emphasised on small and medium scale enterprises (SME) as these normally encompass the description of small businesses (Aboody and Lev,&nbsp.2000).&nbsp.

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