Art & Design Homework Help

Please help with the design of the belowdevelop

Please help with the design of the belowdevelop

a CSS3-compliant style sheet to control all your Web pages (see page list below). It should define properties (such as position, margin, padding, font family, color, size, et cetera) for each of the following:Headlines.Header.Body text.Background (image or color).Navigation (use an unordered list to format the list items for navigation).Footer (location/font size and color).Anchor links (current, hover, visited).Update the code in your homepage and template to link to the new style sheet.Use your page template to create the other four pages for the site and title each appropriately.About Us.Services.Gallery.Contact Us.Create functional page navigation using CSS. Use textual links using either a horizontal navigation across the top or vertical navigation down the left side. Define text and background properties for all page elements using CSS.Make sure to enter context appropriate text in the content sections for each of the pages to demonstrate that the formatting and design are consistent across the site.

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