Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Expert Writers only

URGENT Assignment.


must have 18 sources(Primary/Secondary)

one half to three quarters of the proposal will present your research ; the rest of the proposal will discuss the public project.

This is a complex assignment with many different pieces but will give you a good sense of the issues that public historians have to consider when presenting their work to the public.

This paper will be 20 pages long( not including bibliography, sample text and appendix.)

It will include a narrative story line based on your research. include a thesis; and a discussion of the reasons you have chosen to concentrate on the specific people,places,events. this will be the bulk of the paper .3/4

The rest of the paper will outline your public project and will discuss the budget(cost materials) materials to be used and why, ease of access durability.

In addition to the paper, you should include 2-3 examples of text that you would use in the final project. the sample text and other graphics will not count towards the page total for the paper itself; they will be placed in an appendix.

The paper will be double spaces, 12 times new roman font and standard margins, open parenthesis at least 1 inch , but not more than 1.25 inches. Paragraphs should be indented 5 spaces with only 1 double space between paragraphs.

Chicago Manual: Kate Turabian : A Manual for writers

Project Option: Bienville Square Commemoration

Bienville Square has long been at the civic center of mobile life. the events that occurred there and the people associated with those events have help define the city. For this project, you will research the history of the square (create thesis) and its immediate environs and choose 10 events or people to commemorate in small plaques set in the walkways.

The project will require primary and secondary source research into the park and events or people chosen as well as reading about the process of commemoration. why we commemorate certian events or people and how we choose who and what to commemorate.

You will also need to read about how best to present the information, the size of the plaques, the materials, the font, and other considerations. you will also need to investigate the cost and develop a budget for your project.

You will need to think carefully about your choices they do not have to be the most important events or people, but they do need to reflect the history and culture of mobile. ( 10 events/people need to be FROM MOBILE ONLY!) Public historians must strive to be inclusive, to represent the entire community. on the third hand , you must consider what is appropriate for this find of commemorative project. you will need to be able to justify for decision.

Powerpoint: 10 sides including thesis and 10 events/people in detail

Writing Homework Help

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