Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Research Paper , writing homework help

I attached 3 of the research articles for this research paper and I will send you the rest later, an outline, and an Example of the research paper, and please use simple language, and don’t copy the example.

Part 1

For each of your top 5 strengths, find a research article that supports how that strength contributes to overall happiness and provide the following:

  • How that strength contributes to happiness (your fact)
  • A paragraph (5 sentences minimum) on your thoughts on the study and how it contributes to your life
  • Citation…..APA format

Part 2:

Find 2 research articles pertaining to positive psychology (Hint: on the authentic happiness webpage, click on learn more located at the top of the page and look through the scholarly articles available. You may also look through the press articles and though they are not scholarly, they can guide you in the direction of the studies they reference). Please provide the following:

  • Fact
  • A paragraph (5 sentences minimum) on your thoughts on the study and how it contributes to your life
  • Citation….APA Format

Writing Homework Help

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