Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Respond to one of the following prompts:

The essay should be around 1650 to 1750 words in the Humanities format* AND A COUNTERARGUMENT IS REQUIRED. Reminder: DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES in a Humanities essay. The argument should be your own and the only material used should be the assigned readings.

Respond to ONE of the following prompts:

  1. To what extent does the Creature’s development reflect Rousseau’s theory of thedevelopment of civilization?
  2. What purpose does beauty serve in Frankenstein and The Sorrows of Young Werther?
  3. Rousseau theorizes that there was a period in the history of human civilization known as“man’s happiest and most enduring age” (62). According to Goethe or Shelley, canhumankind return to such a state? Choose one author (Goethe or Shelley) in your response.
  4. Werther and Victor both behave in ways that appear self-destructive. What causes them to behave in this way?

Submit a paper copy of your essay to your TA in a plain manila folder with your name on it. Include all your previous Humanities papers in the folder. Before submitting a paper copy at lecture, you must submit an electronic copy to www.turnitin.com for textual similarity review. Information about that will be distributed and discussed in section by your TA.

Late Essays: One day late is -10% (one letter grade). Two days late is -20% (two letter grades). Papers will not be accepted after two days.

*Handouts are available in the Humanities Custom Handbook.

Writing Homework Help

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