English Homework Help

1. topic analysis 2. outline 3. self- assessment TOPIC YOU CANNOT TALK ABOUT. 1. Abortion 2. Beer Pong 3. Benefits of music 4. Benefits of traveling 5. Breakfast most important 6. Breastfeeding 7. Che

1. topic analysis

2. outline

3. self- assessment


1. Abortion 2. Beer Pong 3. Benefits of music 4. Benefits of traveling 5. Breakfast most important 6. Breastfeeding 7. Cheerleading is a sport 8. Childhood obesity. 9. College Athletes should be paid 10.Community college vs a university 11.Dogs vs Cats 12.Donating blood 13.Drinking and driving 14.Drinking water 15.Dumb Laws 16.Eating healthy 17.Go to college 18.Get enough sleep 19.Laugh or smile more 20.Learning a 2nd language 21.Organ donation 22.Peanut-butter & jelly sandwich 23.Pet adoption/own a pet 24.Pitbulls 25.Procrastination 26.Raise the drinking age 27.Recycling 28.Seat-belts 29.Smile more 30.Smoking 31.Teen pregnancy 32.Texting while driving 33.The Dallas Cowboys 34.Tipping 35.Uniforms in school 36.Why you should vote 37.Working out/Exercise

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