Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Write 2 pages thesis on the topic living in a small town/ living in a large city.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic living in a small town/ living in a large city. Compare and Contrast Essay The process of moving to a new home does not involve simply packing up one’s belongings and depositing them at their new house. For most individuals, where they decide to move calls for a detailed and thorough thought process, one that requires the person to determine what they expect or want to get out of their new environment. Whether they decide to move to a small town or a big city, the person needs understand what each environment offers and what each environment lacks, and decide for themselves which location they are best suited for. Such factors that need to be considered are the amount of people and the closeness of the community, the amount of diversity, and the available job opportunities, all of which differ between a small town and a large city.

With a small town comes a strong sense of community. The fewer people there are, the easier it is for everyone to get to know and grow close to one another. Over time, the small town becomes a large, close-knit family. People look out for each other, coming to one another’s aid in times of need, and make it a priority to make one person’s battle a fight for the whole town to overcome (Clayton 97). In a big city, there are too many people to successfully form this feeling of togetherness. This closeness may arise in individual neighborhoods or apartment complexes, but it is not a feeling that the entire city can experience due to its large size. If a person wants a sense of community, they should consider a small town. if they would rather experience anonymity, they would fare better in a large city.

Diversity is a factor based on the amount of people living in any given location. The more people there are, the greater the diversity. A small town will have homogeneous thoughts and attitudes, while a large city will be significantly more divergent. Small towns are successful because the population shares many ideas and behaviors. These people can be drawn together because they share religious beliefs, values, or even racial or ethnic background. Part of the appeal of a small town is that everyone is similar. In a large city, each person brings to it their unique beliefs and values, adding to those of everyone else in the city (Hau 1). The differences that make up a big city are astounding. however, these differences may be acceptable to some people but unwanted by others. If a person wants to raise their children in a good, religious community, they should consider a small town. If they want their children to understand the many differences that make up our world, a big city would be perfect.

Work opportunities are something that people need to take into consideration when deciding on whether to live in a small town or a big city. The smaller the location, the less opportunities that exist for employment. Large cities are constantly looking for new workers in a variety of vocations. the abundance of jobs, as opposed to a small town, are staggering. If a person wants to live in a small town, they need to make sure that they are guaranteed a job. Furthermore, not only do larger cities offer more job opportunities, but they offer a diversity of careers. Small towns usually employ for the basics, such as medical or law enforcement positions, teachers, or grocery store and fast food workers. Large cities can include careers in the arts and criminal justice, among many others.

Small towns and big cities have their perks, but they also have their downfalls. However, what might be considered a downfall to one person may be a perk to another. It all depends on what individuals expect to get out of their environment. This is why it is important for a person to consider where they want to live and why before they move. Points to consider when moving are the amount of people and the ability to develop bonds with them, the levels of diversity, and the ease of obtaining a job. Understanding these aspects before starting a new life in a new place will help the individual quickly adapt to a new location if they know that it will meet their needs and expectations.

Works Cited

Clayton, John. Small Town Bound. Philadelphia, P.A.: Xlibris, 2000. Print.

Hau, Truong. “Advantages of Living in the Big City.” Haus Blog. N.p., 18 May 2009. Web. 23 Feb. 2012. .

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