Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Download and use the Draft Paper Template here: Capstone Research Report Template 5.2019.docxPlease note: There should be no headers in this research report template. Review the Capstone Paper Instruc

Download and use the Draft Paper Template here: Capstone Research Report Template 5.2019.docxPlease note: There should be no headers in this research report template.

Review the Capstone Paper Instructions before completing this assignment.

The Capstone Draft Paper

  • A template for the paper is available above and must be used.
  • The draft should be a minimum of 5 pages of narrative – written double spaced (not including the cover page, acknowledgement, dedication, table of content, and reference page).
  • Includes at least one in-text citations in every paragraph.
  • Include at least one heading per page.
  • All in-text citation should be included in the reference list.
  • Students who submit a rough draft that does not include the 5 pages of narrative will automatically receive a zero for this assignment.
  • Include at least 5 of the 10 required references in the draft.
  • Formatted and cited according to APA 6th edition style.
  • Free of spelling, grammatical, and writing style errors.
  • Written in formal academic tone (omit personal pronouns).

Include the following level-two headings:

Organization History


Management Issue (or Prospective New Venture)

General and Ethical Approaches

Past Practices


SWOT Analysis

Other Analysis


You may include additional level headings as needed.

Article Writing Homework Help

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