Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 3 pages paper on arguments for low fat diet. 3. Low fat diet meant less sugar intake thus prevents diabetes. 4. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with fat intake is absent in a low fat diet

Write a 3 pages paper on arguments for low fat diet. 3. Low fat diet meant less sugar intake thus prevents diabetes. 4. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with fat intake is absent in a low fat diet. 5. Low fat diet usually leads to a fitter body that makes one attractive and enhances one’s self esteem. 6. Low fat diet meant less consumption of meat and poultry which is good for the environment. Meat and poultry requires a lot of energy to produce that strains the environment. 7. Low fat diet when done on scale could lessen our dependence towards foreign source of oil. This is because growing cows and other animals requires crude and gasoline to grow and transport them. 8. Over-all health improves. 9. When over-all health improves, one saves a lot of money from hospitalization or medicine bills. 10. A good health brought by low fat diet meant low opportunity cost that is foregone during sickness when one cannot work to make money. b. Five rebuttal statements 1. Low fat diet is very hard to sustain. Once the diet has been stopped, the dieters usually revert back to the old weight level. 2. Not all fat are bad. Fats coming from fish has Omega-3 that lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. 3.

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