Social Science Homework Help

Three DB Replies Must be 150 words each and must have **1 bible Reference For each **Scholarly reference 4 EACH REPLY MUST INCLUDE THE NAME SO I KNOW who’s reply belong to who ***Ann Discrimination is

Three DB Replies Must be 150 words each and must have **1 bible Reference For each **Scholarly reference 4 EACH REPLY MUST INCLUDE THE NAME SO I KNOW who’s reply belong to who


Discrimination is not always visible, it is not always something that people experience because of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. Sometimes people are discriminated against because of their background, for something that they have already reimbursed to society, but will continue to pay, possibly for a lifetime. Corresponding to De Giorgi (2018) as a result of their criminal history, a state authorized negative criterion that essentially works as a permit to discriminate for companies, property-owners, creditors, etc., those attempting to return to society will be even less likely to be employed than they were prior to going into prison. Once out of prison and back into communities, trapped among the everyday existences of impoverishment, vagrancy, illness, addiction, and the impending risk of returning to institutions, most will struggle to endure as persistently jobless individuals, beggars, hustlers, and recidivists, whereas the scarce ones who find a resemblance of success, will be funneled into the inferior work market of minimum-wage, uncertain, and degrading labor, where they will accommodate instead as an overexploited labor force or as a throwaway replacement mass of labor (De Giorgi, 2018).

Such is the case for many individuals who face re-entering their communities after being incarcerated and labeled. Like an invisible scarlet letter, a form of civil death. According to a study by Ross, Jones, Lenza, & Richards (2016) one of numerous issues that those who were previously incarcerated contend with is stigma and how this might affect supporting oneself. Employment is a necessity for any human to be able to sustain a normal life. Without this necessity, recidivism is likely, and the vicious cycle is repeated. There are three categories of social stigma in modern society (i.e., obvious/external malformations, variations in personal characteristics, and ethnic (Ross et al., 2016). Women and people of color endure a condemned stigma, which is associated with appearance and visual identification. Being a former convict brings with it a shameful stigma, one that cannot be seen. Former inmates with records are invisible subgroups because the shame, difficulty, and discrimination endured are not easily visible until uncovered. Most former inmates have difficulty with choosing to hide their past or to divulge it (Ross et al., 2016).

The majority of those who study criminology neglect to recognize or concede the humiliation related with being labeled as a felon in America. Legally it is prohibited to differentiate against females, ethnic and cultural minorities. By contrast, it is validly acceptable to reject several rights of convicted felons that most Americans feel that they themselves are entitled to. Across several states, convicted felons are denied of their right to vote even though they are still legally obligated to pay taxes. As well, numerous occupational associated state licensing, and their ability to claim state employment or financing may be harshly constricted (Ross et al, 2016). Numerous states do not permit public schools to hire felons in any facility, as staff or faculty. Many have been ostracized from their academic work, and graduate students in some states have had their instruction or research assistant positions rescinded. Although other stigmatized societal classes have garnered some protections in America, this is not true for felons and some misdemeanors (Ross et al. 2016). If someone has paid their dues to society, it should be evaluated on a case by case basis as to what rights shall be returned, not on a blanketed reaction.

John 16:33 States “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” No matter our background if we have faith and repent our sins God will forgive us. There will always be those who are not willing, but we must always look to our savior for redemption, not man.

Matthew 6:15 “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” As Christians, we are mandated to forgive as we would also want to be forgiven for our transgressions.”


Ross, J. I., Jones, R. S., Lenza, M., & Richards, S. C. (2016). Convict criminology and the

struggle for inclusion. Critical Criminology, 24(4), 489-501. doi:10.1007/s10612-016-9332-9


Human Service issue is Homelessness among Youth

What child wakes up and says, I am leaving? What circumstance could possibly make a child leave the “safety” of home, to the uncertainty of the streets? According to National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) each year, an estimated 4.2 million youth and young adults experience homelessness, of which 700,000 are unaccompanied minors, meaning they are not part of a family or accompanied by a parent or guardian. So again, I ask, what child wakes up and says, “I am leaving” When you look at statistics, never does it say the circumstances surrounding. Maybe it was a way to escape parents that were sexually abusing them and no one believed them so they had no choice. No matter what the circumstances are, one decides they have no other choice. Let’s think about reasons why children runaway. According to Children’s Society some of the top reasons are as follows: they are being groomed, family problems and abuse. Children that are being groomed are those that are being exploitered. In this day and age, you hear how children are being lured away from their families. A simple argument between the children and their parents and it takes one seed planted from the perpetrator that they have a friend in them. They isolate them from all that love them and make the vulnerable children think that they are the only ones that care. Like Satan, “as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8(kjv). The second reason is family problems. We have children raising their siblings. Children have taken the role of the parents. Think about how hard it is for adults to handle “real life” imagine how children may feel. Also, we have children in homes that are a prodigy of divorce. Single parents that may not have time to be as attentive leaving the child to raise themselves. Remember children want to feel like they belong. Lastly, abuse of any form. From sexual, emotional, neglect, children run to feel protected. So, what is the answer? Spiritually, we have a responsibility, God sets so much store on children to where our very personality should be that of a child. In Luke 18:17 (niv) “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” God. Also, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (niv). The solution, supporting the parents, will in turn the children will have that support.

McCann, M. (n.d.). Https:// Retrieved May 24, 2020, from

McCann, M. (n.d.). Https:// Retrieved May 24, 2020, from


As you consider the issues in Human Services that might engage a counselor, think about the people that you know, and the situations that have occurred with your own family and friends. The fact that you want to become a Human Services Counselor means that you have experienced some difficult times in your life, or that you know someone close to you who has. You are not limited to the challenges above but think what you have seen and what social situation is driving you to become a counselor. For me it is child abuse. I have a burning desire to protect children, so I became a counselor so that I could do that. According to Martin (2018) as you look at the world and see all of its problems, it can be easy to have a feeling of hopelessness that there are just too many problems in the world. But as a Human Service worker you actually have the ability to make the world better by respecting the dignity of each individual and being passionate about making a change (Martin, 2018).

The other part of this discussion board is to think critically about the internal and external aspects of this social issue. How does it affect the individual? How does it affect society? And how does it affect you as the Human Services counselor. Be honest with yourself, even if you are a little scared. Ask yourself the difficult questions and write a good Discussion Thread. In Deuteronomy 15:11 we are admonished to “…Open wide your hand to your brother (and sister), to the needy and to the poor, in your land.” There is hope for the poor and needy, we read in the Psalms “For the needy shall not always be forgotten.” 9:18. This is your opportunity to remember the poor and help make a difference.

Dr. Starner

Martin, M. (2018). Introduction to Human Services: Through the eyes of practice settings. 4th.

Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

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